Sunday, November 30, 2008


toni said...

Teri, you have taken such amazing pictures of my family and Shailyn. You have such a talent and I blessed that you are in our lives and catch such great moments of us!!
I love you a lot sister!!!

toni said...

Teri, you take amazing pictures of my family and daughter. We love you alot and treasure your work!!! I already have several people that want to call you after they see my pictures!!
Bless you baby, you have such a talent!!!!

a chick named Toni... said...

Yep...she's right about that! You have a gift! Don't ever give up on it! I really like what you have done with these photos they look great!

Isn't it weird that you have a friend named Toni and a sister named Toni? When I first started reading this I thought...who the hell is using my name...oh wait that's the other Toni chick! LOL!

JoEtta Zabel said...

What a great moment picture. You've got alot of talent, get you some business cards girl...make some money.
Maybe you can teach me photoshop...I don't use it...but I need to. I'm confused or old...maybe both...LOL